作家访谈:Jill Morrow

作家访谈:Jill Morrow

2017-02-13    22'44''

主播: Read with You

304 6

访谈内容: Jill Morrow talks about her novel, Newport: “set in the 1920’s and a skillful alchemy of social satire, dark humor, and finely drawn characters. 作者介绍: Born : Washington, D.C., The United States Website : http://www.jillmorrow.net Twitter : JillMorrow1 Genre : Historical Fiction, Paranormal Member Since : October 2014 JILL MORROW has enjoyed a broad spectrum of careers, including practicing law and singing with local bands. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Towson University and a JD from the University of Baltimore School of Law. Jill currently lives outside Baltimore, Maryland, but she has a special place in her heart for Maine, Boston, and Chicago, not always in that order. 作者的书: 《Newport》 《Angel Cafe》 《The Open Channel》