2017-01-08    03'06''

主播: Tatara in here

265 8

由于之前那版杂音太多就重录了一遍,这次还花了点时间把词贴过来了,但是翻译的并不和我理解的一样,本来想重翻的但看看工作量和我这个高三狗的时间真的不切和,所有以后有时间再重翻一遍吧٩( 'ω' )و 好了贴词! HER LOVER Rhiannon rings like a bell through the nighe and 也农之曲像警钟一样响彻整晚 won't you love ,to love her 你敢不敢去爱 去爱她 now here you go again 如今你又到了这般境遇 you say you will be her lover 你说你会成为她的爱人 it's only right that you should play the way you feel it 当你自如表达自我时你才能成为自己 cause'all you life you've never seen 否则你再也不会有机会见识到 a woman taken by the wind 一个女人纯粹受爱欲念驱使时是什么模样 like a heartbeat drives a man 如心脏搏动证明我们活着一般 dreams on while love stayed a mind 当爱存在时梦想才可能继续 well,you lost while you hide 若选择躲藏,你终究消失 taken by, taken by the sky 不可抗拒地,随风而逝 thunder only happens when it's raining (rhiannon) 惊雷只在暴风雨中出现 players only love you when they're playing 玩乐者只在玩你的时候是爱你的 saying woman ,they will come and they will go 他们说,女人的感情就像旋转门 when the rian washes you clean ,oh no 当你经历过雨水的洗礼后 you'll know 答案自会揭晓 she is like a cat in the dark 她像一只呆在暗处的猫 and she is the darkness 对你来说,她就是你心中的阴暗面 stillness of remembering 在寂静中回忆 and the shy is starless 你的天空漆黑一片 it's only me who wants to see the crystal visions 只有我渴望把这世间看的明了 you say you want your freedom 你说你想要你所谓的自由 would you stay if she promised you heaven 那她答应给你的话,你会留下来吗 like a heartbeat drives a man 如心脏搏动证明我们活着一般 dreams on while love stayed a mind 当爱存在时梦想才可能继续 well,you lost while you hide 若选择躲藏,你终究消失 taken by, taken by the sky 不可抗拒地,随风而逝 thunder only happens when it's raining (rhiannon) 惊雷只在暴风雨中出现 players only love you when they're playing 玩乐者只在玩你的时候是爱你的 saying woman ,they will come and they will go 他们说,女人的感情就像旋转门 when the rian washes you, clean ,oh no 当你经历过雨水的洗礼后 you'll know 答案自会揭晓 you'll know 你会知道 贴完收工,其实关于这首歌我有很多很喜欢的句子, players only love you when they're playing it's only right that you should play the way you feel it 绝对说的蛮对的。然后对于我总贴一些关于bl或gl的狗粮,我只是想尽我能做的将自由无性向恋爱的思想传开,虽然没做什么,但是我只是希望,所有人在爱上别人的时候,不用顾虑对方是男是女,与你是同性是异性,你只要知道你爱ta,性向这个问题真的不重要 。如果你是异性恋你爱上一个同性你会放弃吗?如果你是同性恋你爱上一个异性你又会放弃吗? (好吧,我好像哔哔太多了,祝所有人都可以幸福吧,不论性向无关性别)