愚人节 作者:非马 诵读:简单快乐

愚人节 作者:非马 诵读:简单快乐

2017-04-01    03'01''

主播: 简单快乐南通

424 8

愚人节 /非马 四月来临 在我办公桌上留了张条子 『打电话给施先生— 紧急!!!』 我连忙照着号码拨通了电话 对方说 『很抱歉狮先生不能来听电话 他被关在笼子里呢!』 我还来不及撂下话筒 她压抑不住的笑声已从电话里 跳了出来 一口咬下我的耳朵 溅了我一脸的血 然後它扑向我那无辜的办公室伙伴 我无能为力只有眼睁睁看着他 翻腾打滚终於,天可怜见,活活 笑死 APRIL FOOLS DAY April arrived with a message on my desk “Call Mr. Lyon— Urgent !!!” I dialed the number “Sorry Mr. Lion can’t come to the phone right now He is in the CAGE!” Before I could put down my phone her irrepressible laugh jumped out of the line and bit off my ear, splashing blood all over my face It then attacked my innocent officemate I stood by helplessly and watched him roll about and eventually die of laughter