<西氏内科学> Chapter 112 毒蛇咬伤怎么办 (137)

<西氏内科学> Chapter 112 毒蛇咬伤怎么办 (137)

2017-06-11    04'38''

主播: Dr.Garfield

176 15

Very few first-aid techniques have been shown to be clinically effective for envenomations [in,venə'meiʃən] (蛇或蜘蛛的)毒液螫入, so rapid transport to the hospital for definitive medical care is of utmost importance. Because envenomations such as snake bites and box jellyfish stings can result in early hypotensive collapse and cardiac arrest, the most important first aid is basic life support (Chapter 63). Many snake venoms ['venɔm] 毒液 contain local tissue cytotoxins and techniques that concentrate venom at the bite site for prolonged periods and may result in greater local injury. Nonetheless, immobilization of the bitten extremity is recommended to minimize the venom’s spread or systemic uptake, provided immobilization does not delay access to definitive therapy. With envenomations from Australasian [,ɔstrə'leiʒjən] elapids ['eləpid,-pain] 澳大利亚眼镜蛇, kraits [krait] 金环蛇, and coral snakes 珊瑚蛇, where there is likely to be only minor local tissue injury, a pressure bandage should be applied. Pharmacologic agents that slow lymphatic flow (e.g., topical nifedipine 硝苯地平 or lidocaine 利多卡因) also may be useful as adjuncts in slowing venom uptake. Other popular first-aid treatments that are often found in snake bite kits actually cause harm, including arterial or venous tourniquets ['tuənikei, -kit, -ket, 'tə:-] 止血带, incision [in'siʒən] 切开, suction ['sʌkʃən] 抽吸, heat, cold, and electric shock 电击. 更多请关注微信公众号MedReader~