如何让你爱的人爱上你 Part 1

如何让你爱的人爱上你 Part 1

2017-04-10    07'47''

主播: 学姐很励志

516 7

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You BGM: Tee Shirt by Birdy Following some of her advice will have you treading that fine line between nice and obsequious(谄媚的,奉承的), and at times, this book may sound offensive to some, advising the reader to play what may sound like games. -------Jenny Brown What Makes People Fall in Love Well, maybe Freud was right. Romantic love is enigmatic(神秘的,高深莫测的). It is difficult to capture and convert(使转换) into computerized(电脑化的), controlled bits and bytes(比特和字节) of information. Instead, treating it as if it were a virus, scholars are tackling specific question about love, nailing down (明确)a few facets at a time. They have made tremendous(极大量的) progress. Out of the cascade(连串) of studies, six verities(真实性) emerge about what makes people fall in love. To be a successful Hunter or Huntress of hearts, you must, like Cupid, be a skillful archer, and aim your arrow dead center at the following six targets. Ⅰ. First Impressions You Never Get a Second Chance at Love at First Sight The first moments you spot your Quarry---and he or she gets a glimpse of you---can be decisive(决定性的). Herein lies a “go/no go” decision. Scientists tell us that love’s seeds are often sown during the first few minutes of a relationship. When two cats meet for the first time, they stop and look at each other. If one hisses(发出唏嘘声), the other bristles(竖立) his coat and hisses back. However, if the first kitten gives a little nudge with its cold nose, the other kitten responds in kind, and they wind up purring(发出喉音) together and licking each others coat. A man and a woman getting to know each other don’t have tails that wag or hair that bristles, but we do have eyes that narrow or widen. We have hands that flash knuckles(用指关节敲打) or subconsciously (潜意识地)soften in the palms-up “I submit” position(“我服从”的体态) There are dozens of other “involuntary(无意识的,自然而然的)” reactions that take place in the first few moments of interaction. The good news is that we can learn to control these presumed(假定的) involuntary reactions. The moment you set eyes on each other, your Potential Love Partner subconsciously reads the subtleties of your body language. In these flesh crucial moments, he or she can unconsciously resolve to try for romantic takeoff or about thoughts of love. His or her mind then becomes computer-like, and your PLP continues to make rapid decisions about you during your first conversation, your first date, In Part One, we will cover techniques to lure Potential Love Partners into approaching you, into liking you, and then into making a first date. I’ll share scientifically sound methods of keeping the conversation exciting and making the first date stimulating (刺激的)for your Quarry. Ⅱ. Similar Character, Complementary(互为补充的) Needs I Want a Lover Just Like Dear Old Me (Well, Almost)! If you pass the first impression test, you enter the second phase. Here your Quarry starts making judgments about you as a Potential Love Partner. His or her subconscious mind is saying, “I want someone like me. Well, almost like me.” If there is to be compatibility(兼容性) for a lifetime or even for a date, some similarity is necessary. Our hearts are finely tuned instruments that seek someone who has values similar to ours, who holds beliefs similar to ours, and who looks at the world in more or less the same way we do. Similarity makes us feel good because it confirms the choices we have spent our whole lives making. We also look for people who enjoy the same activities so we can have fun together. Similarity is indeed a launch pad for a good relationship takeoff. But we get bored with too much similarity. Besides, we need somebody to make up for our lacks. If we have no head for mathematics, who is going to balance the checkbook? If we are sloppy(粗心的), who is going to pick up our socks? So we also look for complementary qualities in a long-term love partner. But not any complementary qualities---only the ones we find interesting or that enhance our lives. Hence, we seeks someone who is both similar and complementary. In Part Two, we will explore methods of planting subliminal(潜在意识的;微小的难以察觉的) seeds of similarity in your Quarry’s heart and ways to make him or her know that, even though you two are basically alike, you are different in so many utilitarian(实用的), fun, and interesting ways. Looking for Love Single and divorced people, young and old, all across America are asking themselves as they brush their teeth in the morning, as they shave or put on makeup, as they touch up the grey in their hair, “Where are all the good men? Where are all the good women?”