160929The most specialized skills除了不做金钱的奴隶富爸爸还教我这样的d

160929The most specialized skills除了不做金钱的奴隶富爸爸还教我这样的d

2016-09-29    03'04''

主播: PureO2-Han

91 0

《富爸爸穷爸爸》——该书作者是(美)罗伯特·清崎,该书讲述了清崎有两个爸爸:"穷爸爸"是他的亲生父亲,一个高学历的教育官员;"富爸爸"是他好朋友的父亲,一个高中没毕业却善于投资理财的,清崎以亲身经历的财富故事展示了"穷爸爸"和"富爸爸"截然不同的金钱观和财富观,穷人为钱工作,富人让钱为自己工作。 The most important specialized skills are sales and marketing. The ability to sell - to communicate to another human being, be it a customer, employee, boss, spouse, or child - is the base skill of personal success. Communication skills such as writing, speaking and negotiating are crucial to a life of success. These are skills I work on constantly, attending courses or buying educational resources to expand my knowledge. CHEAT SHEET 1. specialized skills 专项技能 2. be it 无论 3. base skill  基本技能 4. negotiating 谈判 5. be crucial to 对...是关键的 6. constantly 不间断地 7. attending courses 参加课程 8. educational resources 教育资源 9. expand my knowledge 增长知识 10. expand my vocabulary 扩大词汇量