【影】Out of Africa:我曾有一座农场,我曾有一个爱人

【影】Out of Africa:我曾有一座农场,我曾有一个爱人

2017-05-20    05'34''

主播: 王小野🌿

325 9

我在非洲曾经有一个农场,种咖啡豆,给黑人小孩治病。我在非洲遇见了为自由奋不顾身的情人,热爱动物胜于人,折桂而来,情迷而往。我在非洲曾写过一首歌,哪里有已逝的热土,哪里有纯洁的朝露。我总是两手空空,因为我触摸过所有。我总是一再启程,因为哪里都陋于非洲…… 今天520,每到关于爱情的日子,我都想起这部我最爱的爱情电影,和我大爱的梅姨。 第一段台词是我从电影里扒下来的,节目就录了一遍就发出来了,原谅我蹩脚的英音混搭美音吧哈哈哈…… 原文如下: he even took the gramophone on safari three rifles,supplies for a month,and mozart he began our friendship with a gift and later,not long before tsavo he gave me another.An incredible gift a glimpse of the world through god's eye and i thought yes,i see this is the way it was intended i've written about all the others not because i loved them less but because they were clearer,easier he was waiting for me there but I've gone ahead of my story.he'd have hated that denis loved to hear a story told well. you see i had a farm in africa at the foot of Ngong hills but it began before that it really began in denmark i had a farm in africa i had a farm in africa at the foot of Ngong hills i had a farm in africa……