

2016-12-05    03'26''

主播: 1608031

435 8

Dear Lily, I've never written to you before, but now I want to. Because I finally realise the deficiency of the colours. I went to your hometown with Hans, you know, where the five trees in your painting are. I still miss you and the paintings we drew together. I still remember how you were excited when you managed to match the colour of the snow. I still believe, if someone say that the most twinkling thing is the star, it is because he've never seen your eyes. Well, how do you like your new home? Are there also many beauties?Are you the most exquisite one? You said you were a dreamer,and I was the ringer,but what made me different is you. You see,what difficult careers we had. You were pure lily, but could be like the bloody rose. The silver thorn is dazzling through my soul, still makes me painful. The deadly beauty made me couldn't stop loving, even in the sleepless nights. How I hope we could paint blue and grey on your palette when senium comes. The blue is like your eyes' colour , and the grey is like the colour of our hair. This was the only extravagant hope I used to have. But I know, time is a cleaner, it takes things away, it makes people forget. Like the seasons change, like the sky turns. Stop thinking. Maybe you were the wing of Angel, which was broken off, falling down to my world, turning into my happiness and sorrow. Now, the autumn comes here so I sent your scarf to you. In your pictures, the sunshine is always the gold jumping into my eyes. The most splendid picture I made is you while yours is the sere trees in your hometown. I went there with Hans yesterday . What was different, they all seemed to be lively under the sunshine. The view was like a painting, the leaves fell like a poem . 亲爱的莉莉: 我之前从未写过信给你,但现在我想寄梦于天堂。这大概是因为我终于意识到色彩对于一些情感的表达是多么无能为力了吧。我和汉斯去了你的故里,就是你画里那五棵树所在的地方。 我依然想念着我们共执画笔的时光;我依然记得调出雪的颜色时你兴奋的脸庞;我依然坚信,倘若有人赞叹星辰的璀璨,那么他一定没有见过你的星眸里秋水荡漾。 你那边怎样?是否也是人影娉婷?你是否是百花中的女王? 你曾言你是追梦人,我是敲钟者,然而正因有你,我才与众不同。不过你瞧,我们有着多么艰难的使命啊。你是无瑕的百合,却也似血红的玫瑰。那银质的尖刺闪烁着,洞穿我痛苦的灵魂;那致命的美丽却让我爱不释手,即便是在多少个目不交睫的夜里。 多么希望,当我们的年纪已近黄昏,还能一起在你的画布上涂抹着蓝与灰。那蓝如你的眸子,那灰似我们偕老的白头。这也就是我曾经唯一的奢望了罢。 但我知道,时间这把刀,能让一切消逝,能让人忘却,恰如四季轮转,斗转星移。 此事已矣。 也许你是天使的折翼,散落人间,成为我的幸福和哀伤。 而今秋至,我送去了你的丝巾。在你的画里,秋日的阳光就是跃进我眼睛的黄金。你是我作品中最杰出的那幅,而你最美的作品就是那几棵枯死的树。 昨天,我和汉斯去了那里。 和你画里不同的是,它们在脉脉斜阳下似乎焕发了生机。 那里,风景如画,叶落如诗。