Issue 11 What's your attitude to risk? (quiz and 100% English)

Issue 11 What's your attitude to risk? (quiz and 100% English)

2016-07-30    03'37''

主播: EffieCai

102 5

What's your attitude to risk? Are you impulsive or cautious entrepreneur? A. Definitely B. Maybe C. Not a hope 1. You have been asked to introduce yourself to someone you haven't met. Would you do it? 2. Would you be a vegetarian when none of your friends are? 3. You are with a group of friends you admire but don't know very well. They are talking about something you know nothing about. Would you admit it? 4. Would you hang out with someone your friends don't like? 5. Would you try out a sport your friends aren't interested in? 6. Would you become friends with someone who's not popular? 7. Would you stand up for someone who was being treated unfairly? 8. Would you wear your favourite jacket even if it was out of style? Mostly A You enjoy taking risks. Life is full of risks, but you need to make sure that you calculate the risk involved and keep making smart risk-taking decisions. Mostly B You are inclined towards risk but not sure whether you want to take the final step. Gathering information is always good but don't lose out by not being able to take a risk. Mostly C You might be a little too cautious. You may be denying yourself valuable exercise and social contact or cutting back unnecessarily on your quality of life.