I found - Amber Run《少狼第五季》插曲—欲望,是保持动力的最好方式

I found - Amber Run《少狼第五季》插曲—欲望,是保持动力的最好方式

2016-02-27    04'33''

主播: Bouquet 🌸

1794 28

I Found - Amber Run Oh I&`&ll use you as a warning sign 我可以把你当做警告信号 That if you talk enough sense, then you&`&ll lose your mind 如果你越理直气壮 而你越会理智全无 And I&`&ll use you as focal point 我会把你当做是聚焦的重点 So I don&`&t lose sight of what I want 我就不会忘却我的渴望 And I&`&ve moved further than I thought I could 我比我想象的走的还要远 But I miss you more than I thought I would 但我对你的想念多过曾经的自以为 Oh I&`&ll use you as a warning sign 我可以把你当做警告信号 That if you talk enough sense, then you&`&ll lose your mind 如果你越理直气壮 而你越会理智全无 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞 And I&`&ll use you as a makeshift gauge 我会把你当做临时的计量器 Of how much to give and how much to take 衡量我的付出和收获 Oh I&`&ll use you as a warning sign 我可以把你当做警告信号 That if you talk enough sense, then you&`&ll lose your mind 如果你越理直气壮 而你越会理智全无 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞 And I found love where it wasn&`&t supposed to be 发觉爱并非在它注定的角落 Right in front of me, talk some sense to me 你就站在我面前 振振有辞