林徽因 别丢掉 诗歌中英文朗诵

林徽因 别丢掉 诗歌中英文朗诵

2017-02-22    05'40''

主播: 狸栖丘山

2720 36

别丢掉 林徽因 别丢掉 这一把过往的热情, 现在流水似的, 轻轻 在幽冷的山泉底, 在黑夜 在松林, 叹息似的渺茫, 你仍要保存着那真! 一样是月明, 一样是隔山灯火, 满天的星 只使人不见, 梦似的挂起, 你向黑夜要回 那一句话—— 你仍得相信 山谷中留着 有那回音! 注:只使人不见,有作“只有人不见”。 译/许渊冲 Don’t Cast Away Lin Huiyin Don’t cast away This handful passion of the bygone day, Which flows like running water soft and light Beneath the cool and tranquil fountain, At dead of night, In pine-clad mountain, As vague as sighs, but you Should e’er be true. The moon is still so bright; Beyond the hills the lamp sheds the same light. The sky besprinkled with star on star, But I do not know where you are. It seems You hang above like dreams. You ask the dark night to give back your word, But its echo is heard And buried though unseen Deep, deep in the ravine. 译/Michelle Yeh Do Not Throw Away Lin Huiyin Do not throw away That scoop of passion from the past. Even though passion flows softly like water At the bottom of a cool mountain spring In a pine grove on a dark night And sighs an elusive sigh, You must still preserve that truth. The moon is still bright; The lights below the hills are still on; The sky is still full of stars Hanging like dreams. You ask the night for Those words back – you must still believe Their echoes In the valley. 林徽因(1904年6月10日—1955年4月1日),女,汉族,福建闽县(今福州)人,出生于浙江杭州。原名林徽音,其名出自“《诗·大雅·思齐》:大姒嗣徽音,则百斯男”。后因常被人误认为当时一作家“林微音”,故改名“徽因”。 中国著名建筑师、诗人、作家,人民英雄纪念碑和中华人民共和国国徽深化方案的设计者之一、建筑师梁思成的第一任妻子。二十世纪三十年代初,同梁思成一起用现代科学方法研究中国古代建筑,成为这个学术领域的开拓者,后来在这方面获得了巨大的学术成就,为中国古代建筑研究奠定了坚实的科学基础。文学上,著有散文、诗歌、小说、剧本、译文和书信等,代表作《你是人间四月天》《莲灯》《九十九度中》等。其中,《你是人间四月天》最为大众熟知,广为传诵。 (选自公众号“英文巴士”)