

2015-06-22    12'19''

主播: 小白带你学美语Aron

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亲爱的男神女神大家好,我是不通世俗的小白。morning boys and girls, My name is Aron Man,also known as Little White小白。本来我是要录成视频的,但是由于录的时间比较紧张,视频添加字幕技术我还不会,所以今天就以音频的形式发布收费课程试听版! 敬请谅解I was mean to record this by video,but because of the strong urgency and I am not sure how to subtitle the video ,so I made this audio instead! Thanks for the understanding! 首先让我问你一个问题let me ask you a question first! 你认为英语怎么学习才会好?what do you think is the best way to learn English ?你也许会说,学好语法,多阅读,多做练习等等。you might say grammar , reading more, do some exercise and all .如果这是你的答案的话,那么恭喜你终于找到你英语学习不好的原因了!If this is the answer to that question ,then congratulations you have found the reason why you can't speak good English ! 为什么呢?why? 别着忙 no need to rush !这有一个由此问题产生的问题here is a question based from that question ! 什么是语言呢? 语言是干什么的what are languages ? What use are they ?对的答案太简单了,语言就是用来表达所思所想用来交流的,对关键词交流 ,直白一点就是聊天!yeah the answer is so simple , language is for people to express what they are thinking ,to communicate ! The key word is communicate which means talk.那么说一个语言最本质的东西你都忘记了,你怎么可能学习得好语言呢?! how is it possible for you to pick up a language if you neglect the most essential matter ?! 即使你书面英语语法等等学的再好,你见过正常的俩人面对面交谈用纸板和铅笔交流吗?答案是毋庸置疑的,你之前的学习方法一开始就是错的! I mean no matter how magnificent your writing is ,you don't use a pencil and a board to communicate when you are talking face to face! That is to say you got on the wrong foot at the first beginning . 这也就是为什么说说英语是学好英语的最终目的!okay you have found out the final target of learning English is speaking! 但是我们该如何开始呢but how do we get it started? 好吧下面是我对语言学研究的宝贵经验!okay here below is my precious experience and research in language studies! 只要是语言学习,它本身就有一个共性无论中文还是美语,小孩掌握语言的过程是一样的。speaking of languages ,no matter Chinese or English ,how the babies develop this system do have something in common! 小孩可能不认字但是已经熟练的说任何她想要表达的东西。he may not know a word but can say exactly what he wants! 那么小孩是怎样学会语言的?她们首先能知道要表达啥,比如她饿了 hungry,想要bread ,渴了要喝milk,累了想要sleep,睡醒想要play,这不是自然而然的就会说英语了吗! 我给大家总结也就是两点! 第一小孩需要生活词汇,第二小孩有那个应激反应也就是情景会话!!!我已经用了四年时间整理了好多好多生活词汇,这也就是为什么我能做美国人的翻译的原因,比如意大利面,分为四个 比如拉萨尼亚,麦克罗尼,肉哥透尼,斯佩嘿蹄,因为这些单词我都记得怎么说但是忘记了拼写 所以先写成中文音译的。假如你根本不知道这些生活词汇,你根本想说也说不出来!由此可见生活词汇的重要性!第二很多中国人或许能用中国人的思维表达一个意思但根本不符合英文逻辑,外国人就不会听懂你要表达什么!比如今天凌晨我在医院做翻译用到的一个情况,就是要么你冒着损失婴儿生命的危险来保全大人吃药,要么不吃药婴儿和大人都有生命危险,此时小白翻译就用到一个地道用语就是the less of two evils 两个坏情况选择损失最小的,假如你不懂美国习语,或者不知道美国情景会话,你不可能翻译出这么地道的中英文互相切换!这也就是为什么,我开设课程 只开设1美国生活词汇,2美国情景会话的原因,因为我知道你练好美语口语最缺的就是这两项。当然发音 我有发音教程 你买了后自己私下练习,小白不教一般人能教的东西! 好吧 之前说的都是前言,现在简单来一个美国口语的试听讲解!中国人见面打招呼都是说 你吃了吗?吃的什么,但是你要跟美国人用中国人的思维打招呼那就闹笑话甚至要尴尬了!美国人没准会想你问我吃没吃饭要干嘛,要请我吃还是要蹭我的饭吃,哈开个玩笑。那么美国人的见面是怎么打招呼的呢? 今天我就教你最地道的美国口语!四个how,四个what。 1 how ya doing ?你还好吗,过的怎么样?是how are you doing ?的省略用法。美国情景喜剧老友记joey 的搭讪用语就是此句。举个例子 how ya doing today? 你今天过的怎么样? I am doing great ,thanks. 我过了很棒的一天,我状态不错!大家自己私下练十遍 最大声最快速 how ya doing 直到你脱口而出! 2how'd it go?进展如何?是 how did it go ?的省略用语。你的约会进展如何how did it go with your date? 不是很好,她放了我的鸽子 not so good ,she stood me up !真够可怜的 唉 找个好对象真的好难!再比如说你的工作怎么样了how' d it go with your job? 我决定啥也不干待在家了I have decided to stay home and doing nothing! 好大家伙还是最大声最快速的把这个朗诵十遍直到脱口而出! 3how was your day? 美国人最常用的一句话,你今天过的如何啊? 晚上下班之后,去喝啤酒 其他美国人就会问你 hey buddy how was your day? 你刚被大大学录取你就可以说 great ,I got admitted by the university !i love my life. 我被大学录取了,太爱我的生活了 好棒欧耶! 好大家伙熟读这个短句直到脱口而出! 4how have you been? 你最近过的如何,其实省略了 doing 和 recently 俩词。比如 你最近过的如何how have you been doing recently ? 太棒了 我每天都在锻炼身体现在我都有身材了 fantastic! i have been working out, and I have my body shape already! 大家一起大声朗读 直到脱口而出! 5what' s new? 有什么新鲜事吗? 举个例子 what' s new ,Aron ? Aron 有什么新鲜事吗 I am pregnant with your baby.开个玩笑,我说我怀了你的孩子,假如小白怀孕了可真就是一个新鲜事了哈哈。好啦 大家把这个短句大声快速朗读到脱口而出! 6what's up?有事吗?咋啦?看美国电影经常出现的一幕就是 dude what's up? 咋啦哥们儿有事儿啊?比如 hey Aron. 嗨aron先生,yeah what's up? 咋啦有事儿? wanna go fishing 想要钓鱼吗? oaky cool 好啊 大家朗读直到脱口而出。 7what happened ? 发生什么事了?举个例子,what happened ,you look worried ,aron? aron 先生发生了什么事 看起来你很担心的样子。 I lost my underwear ,i am looking for it everywhere 我内裤丢了正在到处找它呢,开个玩笑 小白内裤丢了不会到处找的,直接大不了就不穿得了呗哈哈 大家熟读几遍直到脱口而出! 8what' s going on?怎么回事啊 举个例子,what's going on Aron ,your bedroom is a mess.怎么回事啊aron 你卧室一团糟,oh,nothing much I just wet my bed哦 没啥事只是刚刚尿床了而已,哈开个玩笑自黑一下娱乐大众! 大家最大声最快速熟读直到脱口而出! 好了今天的课内容到此结束 最后用双语播送一个正宗美国广告!My name is Aron and I am an ESL teacher in China . I live in Guangdong province and I am available for private tutoring 7 days a week ,from 9am ~9pm. You can reach me at your earliest convenience at my phone 13080027048 ,which by the way is also my qq number .feel free to add me!我的名字叫aron,我是一个中国的英语作为第二语言的老师,我在广东省,并且我现在每周七天早九点到晚九点培训网络和面对面英语。你可以在你尽早的时间拨打电话13080027048或者QQ我 QQ号码也是13080027048! I have developed my own English training system ,which consist of listening ,reading ,and speaking. Ask yourself ,do you want to learn English ? If the answer is yes ,ask yourself why . If the answer to it is you want to improve the quality of your life, Just pick up the phone and call me right now! 13080027048 Aron ,your best English tutor ever!我已经研发出了我自创的英语口语学习之路,包括听说读写。扪心自问,你想不想学英语口语,想,那么为什么?假如你是想要有一个美好未来的话抓紧拿起电话拨打13080027048吧 Aron 是你最棒的英语辅导师!
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