

2018-10-31    06'38''

主播: 意趣英语

8084 55

wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语 1、不在乎,爱谁谁 whatever 随便,爱谁谁 【情景一】 A: No way what happened last night. 昨天晚上的事情肯定不可能。 B: Whatever. 随便。 Fine, don't believe me. 行,那就别信我。 【情景二】 A: Really? Amy didn't ask you out. Amy真的会约你出去? B: Fine, don't believe me. 行啊,别信我。 【情景三】 A: That can't be true. 那不可能是真的。 B: Fine, don't believe me. I don't care. 行啊,别信我。我不在乎。 2、普通辩解 It's the truth. 这是事实。 【情景四】 It's the truth. That's what he said to me word for word. 这是事实,这就是他一次不差的原话。 【情景五】 I know you think I'm lying, but it's the truth. 我知道你认为我在撒谎,但这就是事实。 I'm telling you… 我跟你说,我告诉你 【情景六】 I'm telling you I got the promotion. 我告诉你我真的被升职了。 【情景七】 I'm telling you Tommy almost got fired today. 我跟你说,Tommy今天差点被解雇。 3、强烈辩解 Why won't you believe me? 你为什么不相信我? 【情景八】 Why won't you believe me? I'm trying to protect you. 你为什么不相信我?我是在保护你。 【情景九】 Why won't you believe me? I have a girlfriend. It's not that hard to believe. 你为什么不相信我?我真的有女朋友。也没什么不敢相信的嘛。 Have I ever lied to you? 我跟你撒过谎吗? 【情景十】 Have I ever lied to you? You have to believe me. 我跟你撒过谎吗?你得相信我。 【情景十一】 Have I ever lied to you? The truth is staring you in the face. 我跟你撒过谎吗?事实就在你的眼前。 wx:yiquenglish 意趣英语 wb:@意趣英语