

2018-12-06    08'00''

主播: 意趣英语

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更多实用有趣的口语内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语 情景对话: Claire: Well, I hope not. Haley is at a very low point in her life. It's the last thing she needs right now. 知识点讲解: at a very low point in one's life 处于某人人生的低谷 【例句】 Recently, Bret lost his home to foreclosure because he couldn't get a job. He's at a very low point in his life. 最近Bret的房子因为换不起贷款被银行收回了,因为他找不到工作。他现在正处于人生的低谷。 It's the last thing someone needs right now. 某人现在最不需要的就是这个了。 【例句】 I have two papers due tomorrow. Solving your problems is the last thing I need right now. 我明天有两个论文要交,我可没空解决你的问题。 情景对话: Phil: Sometimes a boy might be a good distraction? I remember a certain young lady was pretty addicted to "Ms. Pac-Man" until a dashing young gent caught her eye. 知识点: Sometimes … might be a good distraction. 有时候…可以是一个很好的转移注意力的方法呢。 【例句一】 Sometimes a hobby might be a good distraction. 有时候个人爱好可以是一个很好的转移注意力的方法呢。 【例句二】 Jack's been really busy, but sometimes work might be a good distraction because he's not going out all the time anymore. Jack最近很忙,但工作有时候可以是一个很好的转移注意力的方法呢,因为他不像以前那样总出来玩儿了。 Catch someone's eye 吸引了某人的注意 【例句一】 I saw a girl in the bookstore who caught my eye. She's tall and blonde and just my type. 在书店,一个女孩吸引了我的注意,她身材高挑,金发碧眼,正好是我的菜。 【例句二】 I was just wandering around the IKEA, then the couch caught my eye. 我就是在宜家里闲逛,结果这个沙发吸引了我的注意力。 更多实用有趣的口语内容, yiquenglish 意趣英语