

2016-04-05    04'23''

主播: 英腔美调

309 11

今天要给大家讲的是damage这个词,意为损坏,毁坏。口语中常用的习语是the damage is done,事已至此,无可挽回,用于那些令人不愉快的事情发生之后,却又无法挽救。 A: I wish you wouldn’t make promises on my behalf. 但愿你没替我许诺。 B: Oh, well, the damage is done now. I suppose, and I shall have to send him a cheque. 哎,你怎么不早说,事已至此。这下我得给他寄张支票了。 A: Well, then just go and tell them not to come tonight. 那么好吧,去告诉他们今晚不要来了。 B: Ok,the damage is done. I’ve told them to come with their children. 好吧,来不及了。我已经告诉他们带孩子一起来了。