

2016-04-21    02'52''

主播: 英腔美调

243 7

You get what you pay for 一分价钱一分货;一分耕耘一分收获 Hey Erica, how have you been? You look great in your new dress. Erica,最近怎么样?你穿着新裙子看起来棒极了。 but you know what, there is sth wrong with this dress, I bought it online, the server gave me a great discount, it`s only thirty yuan, but I found a big hole after I got it 这个裙子有点毛病,我在网上买的,店员给了我很大的折扣,只要30元,但我买回来后发现一个大洞。 o, that`s so bad, but ,Erica, you get what you pay for 那太糟糕了,真是一分价钱一分货。 hey Jenny,how`s your day? Jenny,你这天过的如何? such a long day, you know I have been busy these days with a lot of work to do, I am kind of tired. 好漫长,我最近特别忙,有好多工作要做,感觉有点累。 Jenny, hang in there, you get what you pay for Jenny,坚持住,一分耕耘,一分收获。
上一期: 英腔美调109
下一期: 英腔美调111