

2016-05-15    03'17''

主播: 英腔美调

148 9

fair ,公平的,美丽的。口语中常用的短语 1.fair enough,我同意了,行吧,好吧,不错 Jenny, how much did you spend on your new T-shirt? Jenny,你的新T恤多少钱买的? I spent 10 dollars. 我花了10美元。 Fair enough, I think that is a very reasonable price. 还可以,我觉得这是个很合理的价格。 2.I must be fair,应该公平地讲,必须切合实际地说 Last month there were over a thousand bankruptcies in the private sector. I must be fair, by no means were all of these due to government policies. 上个月有一千多家私有企业破产。公平地说,这些破产绝非都是由政府的政策所致。
上一期: 英腔美调133
下一期: 英腔美调135