

2016-07-19    08'45''

主播: 英腔美调

704 27

kick back在这里相当于relax,在口语中relax和kick back可以互换。I really need to kick back during the holiday season. 听起来是不是有点奇怪呢?但这真的是蛮流行的说法,例如在广播上常听到 Kick off your shoes and kick back for a while. 脱掉你的鞋子,好好地放松一下自己。 A: Holidays are coming! 要放假了。 B: Yes, I really need to kick back during the holiday season. 是啊,我假期时真的需要好好放松一下。 A: What are you going to do during the holiday?放假你打算干什么呢? B: I am going to take a trip. 我想去旅行。 A: Good idea. When do you plan to start?好主意,什么时候出发? B: Em… About July the 30th. 嗯,7月30号左右。 A: Where are you going? 去哪啊? B: Shanghai. 上海。 A: Oh. It’s really a wonderful city. 哦,真是个好地方。 B: I agree with you. What about your plan? 我觉得也是,你计划干什么呢? A: I plan to take a part-time job. 我想找份兼职工作。 B: Sounds nice. 听起来不错。 A: Why do you think so? 你为什么会这么认为? B: I mean you can get more working experience. 我意思是说你能够增长更多的工作经验。 A: Yes, I think so too. 是,我也这么想。 B: Where do you want to find the job? 你想去哪找工作呢? A: I haven’t decided it yet. 我还没想好呢。 B: I know a company which needs employees, I can recommend you. 我知道一个公司需要员工,我可以推荐你。 A: Really? Thank you very much. 真的吗?太感谢了。 kick back这个短语还有许多其他的意思,但都跟字面上的意思“踢回去”有关。 例如报复,也可以用kick back 来表达,相当于revenge The United States decided to kick back after the incident. 事件发生后,美国决定要报复。 “拿回扣”也可以用kick back,例如: The company had to kick back a lot to the corrupt officer. 这家公司必须给腐败的政府官员很大一笔佣金。 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~
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