英语电影对白#2#如晴天似雨天#Like sunday Like rain

英语电影对白#2#如晴天似雨天#Like sunday Like rain

2016-04-17    14'15''

主播: paulak1994

1579 19

R: Do you think you will ever get married, have kids? E: So many questions! R: Sorry, just curious. E: I don't think so. I don't think that stuff is all cracked up to be. I never think it works. R: I would disagree. E: It's all sentimental. R: It does work. If you belong together with someone, then it works. Trouble is finding someone you belong with. Belongs with you. Do you think you will ever see him again? E: No, someone doesn't treat you the way you deserve, then they don't deserve to have you. R: Will I? E: Will you what? R: See you. E: I'm right here. R: After you go, I mean. You are going, right? So will I ever see you again? E: If you want to. We can get some stuff, some letters, keep in touch. Something tells me that for a year from now you won't remember my name. ...It's been really nice getting to know you. E: You too. R: It's hard to believe it's only been a couple of months. I feel like I've known you... I have all these words, these things...things I feel I need to say to you, only now. Something I don't know the capacity to speak. E: I couldn't stay forever, you konw. There's only supposed to be a temporary thing.