Week1 This is the way we brush our teeth

Week1 This is the way we brush our teeth

2015-12-03    02'03''

主播: Yanny16

2168 32

First, take your toothbrush. Next add a small amount of toothpaste… now…. Brush! This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth We do it in the morning! brushing up, and brushing down left and right and round and round….. A nice white smile will then be found! We&`&ve brushed really well! This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth We do it in the evening! brushing left, and brushing right Brushing til our teeth are bright! Then we say [yawn] "good night!" We&`&ve brushed really well! This is the way we brush our teeth brush our teeth brush our teeth This is the way we brush our teeth We do it twice a day!