Dear John(Instrumental With Background)

Dear John(Instrumental With Background)

2015-09-12    06'47''

主播: 易之炖冬饺

334 69

【欢迎各位给歌词挑错哦】 【不多说了放歌词】 Long were the nights 那些夜晚好漫长 When my days once revolved around you 而那些白天都绕着你飞转 Counting my footsteps 细数着我的脚步 Praying the floor won't fall through again 祈祷着地板不会再次塌陷 My mother accused me of losing my mind 我妈妈总指责我鬼迷心窍 But I swore I was fine 可我发誓我还好 You paint me a blue sky 你画给我一片蓝天 And go back and turn it to rain 回头又缀满了雨点 And I lived in your chess game 我活在你的棋局里 But you changed the rules every day 可游戏规则你一天一改 Wondering which version of you 不知今晚哪一个你 I might get on the phone tonight 会出现在电话那端 Well I stopped picking up 我不再继续选歌 And this song is to let you know why 就用这一首让你知道原委 Dear John 亲爱的约翰 I see it all now that you're gone 你走以后,我才看透 Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好 The girl in the dress cried the whole way home 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途 I should've known 我早该知道 Well, maybe it's me 也许该怪我 And my blind optimism to blame 怪我那盲目的乐观 Maybe it's you and your sick need 也许该怪你,怪你的恶癖: To give love then take it away 先给予爱再将它夺回 And you'll add my name 我也会被你加进 To your long list of traitors 那长长的背叛者名单 Who don't understand 她们都还不知情 And I'll look back in regret 而我则不堪回首 How I ignored when they said 悔不听人们的规劝: "Run as fast as you can" “能跑多快,就跑多快” Dear John亲爱的约翰 I see it all now that you're gone 你走以后,我才看透 Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好 The girl in the dress cried the whole way home 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途 Dear John 亲爱的约翰 I see it all now i t was wrong 这是个错,我才看透 Don't you think nineteen is too young to be played 你是觉得十九太小,还玩不了你那 By your dark twisted games when I loved you so? 扭曲的黑色游戏,尽管我深爱着你 I should've known 我早该知道 You are an expert at sorry 道起歉来你轻车熟路 And keeping lines blurry 话都说得模棱两可 Never impressed by me acing your tests 你的考试我门门满分,你仍不心动 All the girls that you run dry 被你榨干泪水的女孩 Have tired, lifeless eyes 目光都疲惫发呆 Cause you burned them out 是你把她们烧焦 But I took your matches 我抢下你的火柴 Before fire could catch me 赶在火上身之前 So don't look now: 所以你别看: I'm shining like fireworks 现在的我亮如烟花 Over your sad, empty town 越过你空空的殇城 Dear John 亲爱的约翰 I see it all now that you're gone 你走以后,我才看透 Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好 The girl in the dress cried the whole way home 穿裙子的姑娘,眼泪洒满归途 I see it all now that you're gone 你走以后,我才看透 Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? 你是觉得我还太小,还是不碰为好 The girl in the dress wrote you a song 穿裙子的姑娘,为你写了首歌 You should've known 你早该知道 You should've known 你早该知道 Don't you think I was too young? 你是觉得我还太小? You should've known 你早该知道
上一期: Last Kiss(Live)
下一期: Drops of Jupiter(Live)