One word is too often profaned 有一个字长被人滥用 For me to profane it, 我不想再用它 One feeling too falsely disdain’d 有一种感情不被看重 For thee to disdain it; 你岂能再轻视它. One hope is too like despair 有一种希望太像绝望 For prudence to smother, 慎重也无法压碎 And pity from thee more dear 只求怜悯起自你心上 Than that from another. 对我就万分珍贵. I can give not what men call love; 我奉献的不能叫爱情 But wilt thou accept not 它只能算得是崇拜 The worship the heart lifts above 连上天对它都肯垂青 And the Heavens reject not, - 想你该不致见外? The desire of the moth for star, 这有如飞蛾向往那个星天 Of the night for the morrow, 暗夜想拥抱天明 The devotion to something afar 怎能不让悲惨的尘寰 From the sphere of our sorrow? 对遥远事物倾心?