商务口语 八 银行业务

商务口语 八 银行业务

2018-10-05    02'59''

主播: 明和文化

154 1

商务必备八:银行业务 Chapter Eight: Banking Facilities 【P老师练│挑战商务必备句型】 1/ 文:I would like to open an account. 译:我想开个账号。 2/ 文:Please fill out each item in the thick line of the application form. 译:请在这张申请表的粗线条部分填表。 3/ 文:In addition, do you use a seal or signature? 译:还有,您是用印章还是签名? 4/ 文:I need a checking account for a new business. 译:我需要办个支票账户(活期账户),做生意用的。 5/ 文:The debit card will be mailed to you within 2 days. 译: 借记卡会在2天内寄到您那。 6/ 文:Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. 译:您有任何问题请随时联系我们。 7/ 文:How much do you charge for each account? 译:每个账户需要多少手续费? 8/ 文:There is a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 译:活期账户收取一定的手续费,储蓄账户不收费。 9/ 文:One is convenient, one is economical. 译:一个方便,一个经济。 10/ 文:I would like to exchange some RMB for US dollars. 译:我想兑换一些人民币成美元。 11/ 文:The bank rate is more favorable. 译:银行的汇率还是很优惠的。 12/ 文:Their opening hours are from 9:00- 11:00, basically speaking. But now, I think you had better exchange some US dollars, and go to the bank tomorrow for the rest. 译:一般来说,他们的营业时间是早上九点到11点。 可现在,你最好兑换一些美元,余下的明天再去银行。 13/ 文: Please keep the receipt. 译:请保留收据。