泰勒成为格莱美大赢家58th Annual Grammy Awards

泰勒成为格莱美大赢家58th Annual Grammy Awards

2016-02-20    16'01''

主播: Cloris C

298 20

【58届格莱美】首次两获年度专辑奖的女艺人是她! 今天,在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心,传来了一个令全球千千万万乐迷都万分激动的消息…… 在第58届格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼上,美国乡村音乐、流行音乐小天后,被网友称作“霉霉”的泰勒·斯威夫特的唱片《1989》拿到了竞争最为激烈,含金量最高的“年度最佳专辑奖”。 At the just concluded 58th Annual Grammy Awards, held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Taylor Swift's album "1989" album won the evening's biggest prize - Album of the Year. 从此,这位知名的音乐界女神成为了第一位两次获得格莱美年度专辑奖的女性艺人! The famous singer has become the first woman ever to win two Albums of the Year at the Grammy's. 除了年度专辑之外,泰勒·斯威夫特还凭借同一张专辑《1989》获得“最佳流行演唱专辑奖”,以及一首歌曲《Bad Blood(敌对)》获得“最佳音乐录像带奖”。 Apart from the award for "Album of the Year", Taylor Swift also won two other recognition - the Pop Vocal Album award and the Best Music Video award. 附上今年格莱美音乐奖完整获奖名单 颁奖典礼上,泰勒·斯威夫特发表了下面一段相当励志的获奖感言: "As the first woman to win album of the year at the Grammy's twice, I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you focus on the work, and you don't let those people side track you, someday when you get when you're going, you'll look around and you'll know it is you and the people who love you who put you there. And that will be the greatest feeling in the world." 大致翻译如下:“作为第一位两次荣获格莱美年度专辑奖的女性,我想告诉所有年轻的女性朋友们,在你们成长的道路上,会有很多人试图去阻止你的成功,想要窃取你的功劳,但你所需要做的,就是专注在你的事情上,你要相信,是所有你爱的人把你放到今天的位置上!这是世界上最棒的感觉!”(非本人翻译) 根据美联社报道,她的获奖感言有可能是在回击数天前说唱歌手Kanye West的一句争议歌词,歌词中,Kanye West称自己凭借在2009年第26届MTV音乐录影带大奖上,抢夺斯威夫特话筒的事件来让她成名。而且这句歌词,据说还对斯威夫特使用了侮辱性词汇! Some reports suggested Swift's acceptance speech was directed partly to fellow artist Kanye West, who recently expressed in a new song that he made Swift famous after stealing her microphone at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. 她第一次获得格莱美年度专辑奖是什么时候? 2010年,第52届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上,泰勒·斯威夫特凭借专辑《Fearless(放手去爱)》荣获当年的年度专辑奖。 Taylor Swift won her first Album of the Year in 2010, during the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards, with her album "Fearless." 第58届格莱美奖还有哪些值得关注的看点? 格莱美奖的诸多奖项中,年度专辑奖,年度制作奖和年度单曲奖一直是分量最重的三大奖项。不过遗憾的是,这三项大奖分别颁给了三位不同的歌手,也就是说,没有人荣膺今年格莱美的“三冠王”。 今年的“年度最佳制作奖”颁给了Mark Ronson与“火星哥”Bruno Mars,他们的获奖作品是《Uptown Funk》。 During this year's event, the three biggest prizes went three different ways. Mark Ronson's high-spirited "Uptown Funk," featuring Bruno Mars, won Record of the Year. 而人称“黄老板”的Ed Sheeran则凭借《Thinking Out Loud》获得本年度格莱美“年度最佳单曲奖”。 Ed Sheeran won Song of the Year for "Thinking Out Loud." 这次格莱美颁奖典礼上,除了斯威夫特外,恐怕还有一个大赢家不得不提,那就是贾斯汀·比伯了! 这次,贾斯汀比伯终于获得了人生中的第一个格莱美奖项!他凭借《Where Are U Now》获得了本届格莱美的最佳舞曲奖。 Apart from Taylor Swift, another lucky winner with a shining moment this year was Justin Bieber, who won his first Grammy for the Best Dance Recording with "Where Are U Now" with Skrillex and Diplo. 这次的最佳新人奖颁给了一位名叫Meghan Trainor的乐界新秀。当她上台领奖时,喜极而泣。 Meghan Trainor was named the Best New Artist and burst into tears on hearing her name called. 今年格莱美颁奖典礼还有一个最大看点,那就是对几位已故的老一辈音乐人的致敬与缅怀。 致敬环节最精彩的节目,恐怕要数Lady Gaga致敬“摇滚变色龙”大卫·鲍伊的表演了。她一共演唱了10首大卫的经典名曲。而且还在一系列高新技术的帮助下,“模仿”了大卫不同时期的标志性妆容! Other highlights of this year's show included some high-profile tributes. The most fabulous one came from Lady Gaga, who saluted David Bowie by playing snippets of some of Bowie's greatest hits, such as "Space Oddity," "Changes," and "Heroes." 此外,还有杰克逊·布朗等人合作演唱的《Take It Easy》来致敬老鹰乐队的核心成员格伦·弗雷,以及约翰尼·德普等人组建“好莱坞吸血鬼”乐队缅怀摩托车头乐队的核心成员莱米的节目等。 The Eagles' Don Henley, Joe Walsh, Timothy B. Schmit and Bernie Leadon paid homage to Glenn Frey with a performance of "Take It Easy," with the song's co-writer Jackson Browne joining them on stage. The "Hollywood Vampires", which includes Alice Cooper, Duff McKagan, Johnny Depp and Joe Perry, paid tribute to Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead.