《Five Little Monkeys》Amy

《Five Little Monkeys》Amy

2017-07-01    03'10''

主播: 羽儿姐姐

141 6

MIMA英语小会员 英文名:Amy 昵称:彤彤 年龄:5周岁 学龄:1学年 It was bedtime.So five little monkeys took a bath. Five little monkeys put on their pajamas. Five little monkeys brush their teeth. Five little monkeys said good night to their mama Then... five little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head The mama called the doctor. The doctor said,"No more monkeys jumpking on the bed!" So four little monkyes......jumped on the bed One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said,"No more monkeys jumpking on the bed!" So three little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said,"No more monkeys jumpking on the bed!" So two little monkeys jumped on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. The mama called the doctor. The doctor said,"No more monkeys jumpking on the bed!" So one little monkeys jumped on the bed. She fell off and bumped her head. THE MAMA CALLED THE DOCTOR. The doctor said "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!" So five little monkeys fell fast asleep. "Thank goodness!"said the mama. "Now I can go to bed!"