

2017-05-21    03'55''

主播: 小米夹夹

100 4

节选歌词 when there's no light left to follow. 当你找不到可以跟随的线索 I'll be the light that guides you home 我就是指引你方向的光芒 Johnny was a good boy, used to be a dreamer. Johnny是一个好男孩,却是一个梦想家 Hit a bad streak, left home sick and deep burn 想要从不好的状态中重新出发,把一切问题都燃烧殆尽 Now his mom is great and he had thought he didn't need her. 虽然妈妈很伟大,但他认为自己不再需要她 Only advice he ever took was the voices on his speakers 他只能听进去自己的声音 Now he's solo, got no one to lean on. 他开始单飞,不依靠任何人 Staring at the photos, they keep telling him to be strong 注视着过去的照片,仿佛在对他说你要变得更强 Now it's all on him to make it right 是非成败一切都取决于他自己 But all he's wondering is where he's going to sleep and if he'll make it through the night 而他却只是在想夜晚来临在何处入眠 If he press rewind 如果回到从前 we can take it back one time 我们可以有一次挽回过去的机会 It's all on us to be the change that we wanna see 这就是我们希望看到的所有改变 We don't have time to waste so won't you come with me now 但现实是没有时间可以挥霍了 We can't wait for tomorrow 我们不能只是等待未来 When there's no light left to follow. 当你找不到可以跟随的线索 I'll be the light that guides you home 我可以做指引你方向的光芒 If you're lost in the shadows 如果你在黑夜中迷失 And you're losing the battle. 或是在战役中湮没 I'll be the light that guides you home 我可以做指引你方向的光芒 Wendy was a mother that listened to a preacher Wendy之前是一位善于聆听的母亲 When her son came out you couldn't reach her 随着他的儿子渐渐长大走出自我,她越来越难以理解 If she couldn't change him, she didn't want to know him. 如果作为母亲,她无法改变儿子,那她也不再想要理解他 She said, "Don't come home till you were grown" 她说:“知道你长大成人之前不要回来。” Now Wendy is a grandma, never met her grandkids 现在Wendy已经成为祖母,但是她也从未见过孩子们 And she spends each day thinking 现在她每天都在后悔 What if she never would have judged him, always should have loved him. 当初为何要裁决自己的孩子,难道不应该永远爱他? Now all she has is memories of him 而今她只有关于他的记忆 If she could press rewind 如果她可以回到过去 We could take it back one time 我们可以有一次挽回过去的机会 It's all on us to be the change that we wanna see 这就是我们希望看到的所有改变 We don't have time to waste, so won't you come with me now 已经没有时间可浪费了 We can't wait for tomorrow 我们不能只是等待以后