

2020-05-14    00'39''

主播: 逸雏

184 0

Even though countries are now moving towards easing lockdown restrictions, the coronavirus pandemic has already hit the global economy hard. Millions of people are out of work, financial markets have been rocked, and supply chains have faced major disruption as factories around the world have closed. The world is braced for recession even after governments and central banks have pumped trillions of dollars into their economies and slashed interest rates. ▍语言点 move towards: 朝向……前进 · move forward/backward: 向前/后行进 ease /iːz/ vt. 减轻,缓和 n. 容易,轻松,安逸 · ease pain/stress: 缓解病痛/压力 · do sth. with ease. 不费吹灰之力做某事 · at ease: 轻松,放松,安逸 lockdown restriction: 封锁限制 hit…hard: 重创,对……造成沉重打击 out of work: 失业(unemployed) rock /rɒk, rɑːk/ v. 振动,动荡;震惊 · The news rocked the world. 这消息震惊了世界。 supply chains: 供应链 be braced/prepared for: 为……做准备 · brace n.支架; v. 为……做准备(尤其指困难或者坏事儿) · dental braces: 牙套 recession /rɪ'seʃən/ n. 衰退(GDP连续两个季度出现负增长) · depression /dɪ'preʃ(ə)n/ n. 萧条(GDP较前一年萎缩10%) pump /pʌmp/ v. 注入(pump into) n. 泵 slash /slæʃ/ vt. 粗暴地砍(cut violently)