

2020-05-20    00'30''

主播: 逸雏

170 0

Psychiatrists are warning of a "tsunami" of mental illness from problems stored up during lockdown. They are particularly concerned that children and older adults are not getting the support they need because of school closures, self-isolation and fear of hospitals. In a survey, psychiatrists reported rises in emergency cases and a drop in routine appointments. ▍语言点 psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst/ n. 心理医生 · psychology /saɪ'kɒlədʒɪ/ n. 心理学 · psychologist /saɪ'kɒlədʒɪst/ n. 心理学家 warn of: 告诫,警告 tsunami /tsuː'nɑːmɪ/ n. 海啸(tidal wave) school closure: 学校关闭 self-isolation: 自我隔离 rises in sth. and a drop in sth.: 在某事上升,在某事下降 · rises in income and a drop in unemployment rate: 收入的增加和失业率的下降 routine /ruː'tiːn/ adj. 日常的(daily) appointment /əˈpɔɪntmənt/ n. 预约 · make an appointment with doctor: 和医生预约 · outpatient /'aʊtpeɪʃ(ə)nt/ n. 门诊病人 · inpatient /'ɪnpeɪʃnt/ n. 住院病人