8.14 享受美丽的自然风光

8.14 享受美丽的自然风光

2018-08-16    04'10''

主播: 长沙万达美联

607 9

享受美丽的自然风光 8.14 A What a good day! 天气真好啊! B Yes. It's really wonderful here The grass is greener and the air is fresher than that in the city. 是的。这里太好了。草地比城市里的绿,空气也比城市里的清新。 A Right. Let's go out and enjoy the beautiful natural scenery. 是的。我们出去享受一下这美丽的自然风光吧。 B Great, let's go. 好极了,我们走。 A Wow, what a beautiful lake! The green hills and clear water really provide magnificent scenery. 哇,好美的湖!绿色的山丘和清澈的湖水真的构成了一副宏伟的风景画。 B Yes, it's so beautiful that I don't want to divert my eyes from it. 嗯,它太美了,我都不想把眼睛从这里移开了。 A I feel as if I'm living in a different world, honey. 我感觉仿佛自己置身于世外桃源了,亲爱的。 B The same as me. All the things here make me happy, the mountains, the water, the grass, the birds, the sunshine... 我也是。这里所有的事物都计我心旷神怡,这山,这水,这草地,这鸟儿,这阳光…. A I think we should go out more frequently. The natural scenery can do us a lot of good. 我想我们应该经常出来旅游。自然风景对我们有好处。 B That's the point. We should have nature walks and enjoy its beauty whenever we have time. 说得有道理。我们应该一有时间就走进自然,享受它的美丽。 A Right. The city life has make us exhausted, while the natural world can bring us quite fresh feelings. 对。城市生活让人厌烦疲倦,没有活力,而自然界却可以带给我们新的感受。