英语故事《飘过童年的雪 Snowfall in Childhood》

英语故事《飘过童年的雪 Snowfall in Childhood》

2016-06-22    04'49''

主播: 🐻Dolaa🐻

1814 71

I got out of bed to see what had happened in the night. I was thirteen years old then. I had fallen asleep watching the snow falling through the half-frosted window. 我从床上爬起来,看夜里发生了什么。那时的我才十三岁。前一夜,我在透过结着薄霜的窗玻璃看大雪飘落的时候睡着了。 While getting out of bed I remembered how, as I was nearly asleep, the night outside the frosted window had seemed to burst into a white jungle. I had dreamed of streets and houses buried in snow. 起床的时候我记起来,在快要睡着的时候,隔着结霜的玻璃,夜晚似乎突然变成了一片白色的丛林。我后来梦见房屋和街道都被大雪盖住了。 I hurried barefooted to the window. It was scribbled with a thick frost and I couldn’t see through it. The room was cold and through the opened window came the fresh smell of snow like the moist nose of an animal resting on the ledge and breathing into the room. 我光着脚匆匆跑向窗边。窗户上杂乱地结着一层厚厚的霜,没法看到外面。房间里很冷,从敞开的窗子外面飘进来清新的雪的味道,仿佛有一只动物正栖息在窗台上,用它湿润的鼻子对着房间呼气。 I knew from the smell and the darkness of the window that snow was falling. I melted apeephole on the glass with my palms. I saw that this time the snow had not fooled me. It was still coming down white and silent and too thick for the wind to move, and the streets and houses were almost as I had dreamed. I watched, shivering and happy. Then I dressed, pulling on my clothes as if the house were on fire. I was finished with breakfast and out in the storm two hours before school time. 闻着这股味道,看着黝暗的窗户,我知道雪还在下。我用手掌在窗玻璃上化开一个小洞向外看去,知道这次的雪并没有辜负我的期盼。白雪还在无声无息地飘落,密密匝匝地,风也动摇不了它。房屋和街道几乎和我梦里见到的一模一样。我看着这一切,虽然感觉冷得发抖,却也幸福快意。然后,我火急火燎地开始穿戴。离上学还有两个小时,我已经吃完早饭冲进了风雪之中。 The world had changed. All the house fence and barren trees had new shapes. Everything was round and white and unfamiliar. 世界变了个样。所有的房屋、栅栏还有光秃秃的树木都换了新颜。一切事物都变成圆乎乎的,银装素裹,看起来很陌生。 I set out through these new streets on a voyage of discovery. The unknown surrounded me. Through the thick falling snow, the tree house and fences looked like ghost shapes that had floated down out of the sky during the night. The morning was without light, but the snowfall hung and swayed like a marvelous lantern over the streets. The snowbank already over my head in place glowed mysteriously. 我启程踏上了探索之旅。穿过焕然一新的大街小巷,周遭显得十分陌生。隔着密集的落雪,树木、房屋还有栅栏仿佛是昨夜从天空中飘降的幽灵。清晨还没有光亮,而这纷飞的大雪仿佛一挂神奇的灯笼,摇摇晃晃地照着街巷。几处高过我的雪堆闪着神秘的光。 I was pleased with this new world. It seemed to belong to me more than that other world which lay hidden. 这个崭新的世界让我很开心。比起大雪掩埋的那个世界,它似乎和我更亲近。