Health: Why Doing Good Is Good for the Do-Gooder/Story: Franny K. Stein,Mad Scientist 8,9

Health: Why Doing Good Is Good for the Do-Gooder/Story: Franny K. Stein,Mad Scientist 8,9

2017-11-06    06'13''

主播: 琦海

37 0

Lorenzo's Health Corner: Why Doing Good Is Good for the Do-Gooder   By NICOLE KARLIS   “The past few months, with a series of disasters seemingly one on top of another, have felt apocalyptic to many, but the bright side to these dark times has been the outpouring of donations and acts of generosity that followed.   From Hurricane Harvey flooding Houston to Hurricanes Irma and Maria ripping through the Caribbean to wildfires burning Northern California, cities and charities have been flooded with donations and volunteers. The outpouring of support is critical for helping affected communities to recover. But acts of generosity benefit the do-gooder, too.   “Research suggests that these community social connections are as important for resilience to disaster is as physical material like disaster kits or medical supplies,” explained Ichiro Kawachi, a professor of social epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health. “Voluntarism is good for the health of people who receive social support, but also good for the health of people who offer their help.””   Story: Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist - Lunch Walks Among Us, Chapter 8,9