Health: Fiber-rich diet may boost colon cancer survival/Story: Mad Scientist,12-14

Health: Fiber-rich diet may boost colon cancer survival/Story: Mad Scientist,12-14

2017-11-13    06'13''

主播: 琦海

50 2

Lorenzo's Health Corner: Fiber-rich diet may boost colon cancer survival   By Steven Reinberg   “A diet rich in fiber may lessen the chances of dying from colon cancer, a new study suggests.   Among people treated for non-metastatic colon cancer, every 5 grams of fiber added to their diet reduced their odds of dying by nearly 25 percent, said lead researcher Dr. Andrew Chan, an associate professor in the department of medicine at Harvard Medical School.   "What you eat after you've been diagnosed may make a difference," Chan said. "There is a possibility that increasing your intake of fiber may actually lower the rate of dying from colon cancer and maybe even other causes."   Chan cautioned, however, that the study does not prove that the additional fiber caused people to live longer, only that the two were associated.     Fiber has been linked to better insulin control and less inflammation, which may account for better survival, he suggested. In addition, a high-fiber diet may protect people from developing colon cancer in the first place.”    Story: Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist - Lunch Walks Among Us, Chapter 12-14