Health: PFASs  may interfere with body /Story: The Fran with Four Brains 14-end

Health: PFASs may interfere with body /Story: The Fran with Four Brains 14-end

2018-02-21    08'25''

主播: 琦海

55 0

Health corner: PFASs, chemicals commonly found in environment, may interfere with body A class of chemicals used in many industrial and consumer products was linked with greater weight gain after dieting, particularly among women, according to a study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The chemicals—perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs)—have been linked with cancer, hormone disruption, immune dysfunction, high cholesterol, and obesity. The study also found that higher blood levels of PFASs—known as “obesogens” because they may upset body weight regulation—were linked with lower resting metabolic rate (RMR), or slower metabolism after weight loss. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes in the body that convert energy from food, commonly known as “burning calories.” People with a lower RMR, or slower metabolism, burn fewer calories during normal daily activities and may have to eat less to avoid becoming overweight. By Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Story: Fanny K. Stein Mad Scientist: The Fran with Four Brains 14-end. By Jim Benton