Health: How Our Beliefs Can Shape Our Waistlines/Story: Martin’s Hats

Health: How Our Beliefs Can Shape Our Waistlines/Story: Martin’s Hats

2018-03-06    04'17''

主播: 琦海

34 1

Lorenzo's Health Corner: How Our Beliefs Can Shape Our Waistlines   By Gretchen Reynolds “The secret to a narrower waistline and a longer life span might be found in the corridors of our minds as much as in the cardio rooms of our gyms. A recent epidemiological study suggests that our beliefs about how much we exercise may substantially influence our health and longevity, even if those beliefs are objectively inaccurate — which hints that upending our thinking about exercise might help us whittle away pounds, whether we work out more or not.”   Story: Martin’s Hats. By Joan W. Blos