Health: Jane Brody's Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss\Story: Mighty Tug

Health: Jane Brody's Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss\Story: Mighty Tug

2018-03-14    05'47''

主播: 琦海

41 0

Lorenzo&`&s Health Corner: Jane Brody&`&s Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss Not a new study per se, but advice from a wise elder… She also draws from last weeks important JAMA dietary intervention clinical trial…   “When The New York Times hired me to write about science and health 52 years ago, I was 40 pounds overweight. I’d spent the previous three years watching my weight rise as I hopped from one diet to the next in a futile attempt to shed the pounds most recently gained.   No amount of exercise, and I did plenty of it, could compensate for how much I ate when I abandoned the latest weight loss scheme. I had become a living example of the adage: A diet is something one goes on to go off.   Even daylong fasting failed me. When I finally ate supper, I couldn’t stop eating until I fell asleep, and sometimes awoke the next morning with partly chewed food in my mouth. I had dieted myself into a binge-eating disorder, and that really scared me. Clearly, something had to change.   I finally regained control when I stopped dieting. I decided that if I was going to be fat, at least I could be healthy. I made a plan to eat three nutritious, satisfying meals every day with one small snack, which helped me overcome the temptation to binge in response to deprivation.   Much to my surprise, a month later I had lost 10 pounds — eating! Eating good food, that is, and plenty of it. I continued the regimen without difficulty because it was not a diet. It was a way to live and a healthy one at that. And I continued to lose, about two pounds a month.”   By Jane Brody Story: Mighty Tug. By Alyssa Satin Capucilli