Health: Cancer Can Start To Develop Fifty Years Before Diagnosi/A Different Kind of Genius

Health: Cancer Can Start To Develop Fifty Years Before Diagnosi/A Different Kind of Genius

2018-05-02    06'29''

主播: 琦海

38 0

Lorenzo's Health Corner: Cancer Can Start To Develop Fifty Years Before Diagnosis   Strong rationale to start as children and to continually maintain our bodies as inhospitable to cancer growth as possible…     “Scientists studying kidney cancer have found that the first DNA damage eventually leading to cancer can occur as early as childhood, in some cases fifty years before diagnosis.   In a trio of studies simultaneously published in the journal Cell, researchers have provided vital new information as to how kidney cancer begins, evolves and progresses, which they hope will lead to better tests to detect the cancer early and more personalized treatment options for patients.   One of the research papers, co-led by researchers at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK showed that the genetic abnormalities that eventually lead to cancer can occur decades before the primary tumor is diagnosed.   Dr Peter Campbell, one of the leaders of the study said: “What is remarkable is that the hallmark genomic event that characterizes kidney cancer takes place on average 40 to 50 years before the cancer is diagnosed.”” By Victoria Forster Reader’s digest: A Different Kind of Genius