Health:Fatty liver disease: What it is/colleges preparing students future jobs

Health:Fatty liver disease: What it is/colleges preparing students future jobs

2019-06-12    06'53''

主播: 琦海

142 1

Fatty liver disease: What it is and what to do about it Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition of extra fat buildup in the liver, is on the rise — it now affects roughly 20% to 40% of the US population. It usually doesn’t cause any symptoms, and is often first detected by accident when an imaging study (such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI) is requested for another reason. A fatty liver may also be identified on an imaging test as a part of investigating abnormal liver blood tests. NAFLD is intimately related to conditions like diabetes and obesity. It’s also linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Understanding NAFLD and its causes, consequences, and treatment options is still a work in progress. Keeping your liver healthy If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, it is important to keep your liver as healthy as possible and avoid anything that can damage your liver. Here are some important things you should do. • Don’t drink too much alcohol. How much is too much remains controversial, but it’s probably best to avoid alcohol completely. • Make sure that none of your medications, herbs, and supplements are toxic to the liver; you can crosscheck your list with this LiverTox database. Even acetaminophen (the generic ingredient in Tylenol and some cold medicines) may be harmful if you take too much for too long, especially if you have liver disease or drink alcohol heavily. • Get vaccinated to protect against liver viruses hepatitis A and B. • Control other health conditions that might also affect your liver, and check with your doctor if you might have other underlying, treatable diseases contributing to your fatty liver. • Get regular screening tests for liver cancer if you already have cirrhosis. The most effective treatment: lifestyle changes The good news is that the most effective treatment so far for fatty liver disease does not involve medications, but rather lifestyle changes. The bad news is that these are typically hard to achieve and maintain for many people. Here’s what we know helps: Lose weight. Weight loss of roughly 5% of your body weight might be enough to improve abnormal liver tests and decrease the fat in the liver. It appears that aerobic exercise also leads to decreased fat in the liver, and with vigorous intensity, possibly also decreased inflammation independent of weight loss. Eat well. Some studies suggest that the Mediterranean diet may also decrease the fat in the liver. his nutrition plan emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, replacing butter with olive or canola oil, limiting red meat, and eating more fish and lean poultry. Drink coffee, maybe? Some studies showed that patients with NAFLD who drank coffee (about two cups every day) had a decreased risk in fibrosis. However, take into consideration the downsides of regular caffeine intake. Money Article: