英语口语每天打卡:It all comes down to my hard work

英语口语每天打卡:It all comes down to my hard work

2018-01-18    05'30''

主播: 地道英语口语

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英语口语每天一句打卡 Day 10:It all comes down to my hard work. 2018-01-18 Celine 趣学英语吧 你一定要点蓝字关注我的 打卡日期 Day 10 Jan 18th, 2018 英语口语每天一句 Daily English 2018 “ It all comes down to my hard work.这全归功于我的努力付出。 ɪtɔl kʌmz daʊn tu maɪ hɑrd wɝk. It all comes down to 来自趣学英语吧 00:0005:28 A: Hey, you did a good job.你的表现真出色。 B: It all comes down to my hard work.这全归功于我的努力付出。。 关键词:美式音标 come down to [kʌm daʊn]:归根结底v hard work[hɑrd wɝk ]:努力n Tips:绿色表示弱读;红色表示连读; 请大家在文后留言完成打卡,随后发送语音到微信群。请扫群主微信,邀请进群。 打卡复习链接: 打卡Day 1: I'm into sports. 打卡Day 2: How are you doing? 打卡Day 3: What's up this weekend? 打卡Day 4: I'm going to kick back. 打卡Day 5: What do you do for a living? 打卡Day 6: I slept in. 打卡Day 7: I'm counting on you. 打卡Day 8: Are you done yet? 打卡Day 9: Count me in/out • end • edit | by celine picture | Internet letslearnenglishbar 欢迎扫码加群免费提供以下内容: 每天监督;每天打卡;免费纠错; 阅读原文 微信扫一扫 关注该公众号