英语口语每天打卡 Day 74: 你曾经放弃过吗?

英语口语每天打卡 Day 74: 你曾经放弃过吗?

2018-04-05    03'41''

主播: 地道英语口语

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你一定要点蓝字关注我的 打卡日期 Day 74 Mar 23,2018 英语口语每天一句 Daily English 2018 “ I don't want to throw in the towel.我不想放弃。 [aɪ] [dont] [wɑnt] [tuˌtə] [θro] [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈtaʊəl] throw in 来自趣学英语吧 00:0003:40 A:How is your English going?你的英语学习的怎么样了? B:I threw in the towel, because it's so hard and out of my league..我放弃了,因为太难了,我力不从心。 A:Already?已经放弃了吗? B:Yeah, and it also bored me to tears.是的。而且学习起来特别无聊透顶。 关键词:美式音标 throw[θro] :扔v towel[ˈtaʊəl] :毛巾n 口语联想: -Since she can't accept my two cents about the right shirt which is easy on the eyes to wear for the interview, I threw in the towel.既然她不能接受我认为适合面试穿的得体的衬衫的建议,我还是放弃了。