英语口语每天打卡 Day 77: 这道题难倒我了I'm stumped.

英语口语每天打卡 Day 77: 这道题难倒我了I'm stumped.

2018-06-15    10'59''

主播: 地道英语口语

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你一定要点蓝字关注我的 打卡日期 Day 77 Mar 26,2018 英语口语每天一句 Daily English 2018 “ I'm stumped.我被难倒了。 I'm stumped 来自趣学英语吧 00:0010:57 A:Did you solve Jazz’s math problem? Jazz的数学题你解出来了吗? B:No, I got stumped. 没有,可难倒我了。 A:I got it in two minutes. 我两分钟就得出答案了。 B:Well… you must be a genius.那...你真的是天才啊。 关键词:美式音标 solve[sɔlv] :解决v stump[stʌmp] :把(某人)难住v genius[ˈdʒinjəs] :天才n 口语联想: -A long time ago, many europeans went off to Americato build their lives. So they wanted to build a house and a farm, but the problem was that there were so many trees. These were the trees, so what they did was to cut down the trees. They used the trees to build a house, here they want to build a field. Corn field, a potato field, a cucumber field, watermelon waterever. And the problem was they cut down the trees they have to turn the soil, you know to plough the land. But they have a tree here, a tree here, and trees have roots, and they go down very far in the ground. They made farming impossible. And these are called stumps. So turning the land is easy, easy, easy, but here they have a problem. They have a dilemma, they have a stump, a stump is not easy. You can dig, you can cut and take it out and put the land back, that’s a lot of work. You can burn the stump, that takes forever. You can use the cows or horses to pull the stump, but that’s too difficult. So having a stump in the field was a problem. So here is farmer Celine, this is farmer, Jenny, and she asks cleine: how is the field going. Are you ploughing the field, are you turning the soil, then I can say, yes, I have no problem, but here I run into a stump. Then I got stumped. This is the origin of the expression. This is a great expression to use when you solve a puzzle, or a riddle, or a math problem. -I always like the crossword puzzle, but always got stumped.我非常喜欢纵横填字游戏,但也总是被难住。 Tips:绿色表示弱读;红色表示连读; 请大家在文后留言并转发学习卡到朋友圈完成打卡,随后发送语音到微信群。纯学习群,非诚勿扰。 打卡复习链接: 打卡Day 1: I'm into sports. 打卡Day 2: How are you doing? 打卡Day 3: What's up this weekend? 打卡Day 4: I'm going to kick back. 打卡Day 5: What do you do for a living? 打卡Day 6: I slept in. 打卡Day 7: I'm counting on you. 打卡Day 8: Are you done yet? 打卡Day 9: Count me in/out 打卡Day 10:It all comes down to my hard work 打卡Day 11:TGIF(英语母语国家的人学习什么,这里就学习什么) 打卡 Day 12:Don't sweat it(英语母语国家的人学习什么,这里就学习什么) 打卡 Day 13:I'm coming down with (英语母语国家的人学习什么,这里就学习什么) 打卡 Day 14:Don't steal my thunder (英语母语国家的人学习什么,这里就学习什么) 打卡 Day 15:A pain in the neck.这人真烦 打卡Day 16:Starting is half the battle.你的行动力指数是多少 打卡 Day 17:It's taking forever.让我等的花儿都谢了 打卡 Day 18:I can't put up with this这让我忍无可忍 打卡 Day 19:I changed my mind.出尔反尔,你到底想怎样? 打卡 Day 20:I'm on a diet.你是素食主义者吗? 打卡 Day 21:I'm pigging out.我在胡吃海喝,你在干嘛? 打卡 Day 22:I'm having a sneezing fit.这一阵喷嚏,让我情可以堪? 打卡 Day 23:You'll get the hang of it.你能获得学习英语的窍门么? 打卡 Day 24:This is to die for.我愿意付出一切来交换 打卡 Day 25:月光族用英语怎么说/我很穷千万不能说:I'm poor. 打卡 Day 26:我今天想点外卖... 打卡 Day 27:oops, 一不小心,手抖了一下,打错字了。你会经常打错别字吗? 打卡 Day 28:你是我的Mr. Right吗? 打卡 Day 29:你为什么那么多人喜欢养蛙?Beats me 打卡 Day 30:我要你no ifs, ands or buts的跟我一起走下去 打卡 Day 31:去也不是,不去也不是,到底该怎样?如何用英语表达左右为难... 打卡 Day 32:在我眼中,妈妈永远是无敌的... 打卡 Day 33:天突然下起雨来,而我没带伞 打卡 Day 34:低调点!说你呢!Keep it low key! 打卡 Day 35:教你地道的征询意见...What do you say we... 打卡 Day 36:哇哦我对它好有感觉哦It spoke to me 打卡 Day 37:成熟点吧!Grow up 打卡 Day 38:这可真是不多见啊!Few and far between 打卡 Day 39:拿出你男人的气势来 Man it up 打卡 Day 40:这下麻烦大了!I'm in deep doo doo一个非常可爱的表达 打卡 Day 41:最高10块钱,不能再多了!10 bucks tops 打卡 Day 42:问女人的年龄太敏感?今天教你怎么委婉的表达年龄问题 She is 30-something 打卡 Day 43:春节后上班第一天你准备便当了吗?Brown bagged food is tops 打卡 Day 44:在你家谁说了算?Who is the head honcho? 打卡 Day 45:节后上班第一天,你是不是忙的脱不开身呢?I'm all tied up 打卡 Day 46:We are taking a break for good我们分手了 打卡 Day 47:我不想让我的生活一直顺风顺水的。 打卡 Day 48:这么热的天,走了一天的路,来杯橙汁hit the spot 打卡 Day 49:你喜欢就好!Suit yourself 打卡 Day 50:This is my two cents这是我的两分钱?绝对不是你想的那样 打卡 Day 51:When do you usually hit the sack?你睡美容觉吗? 打卡 Day 52:过春节,你再这样吃下去会变得roly-poly的! 打卡 Day 53:英语再不学都生疏了!得赶快捡起来 My English is not up to task. 打卡 Day 54:我在想着I'm looking into learn English with Celine 打卡 Day 55:He flaked out again他又说到没有做到 打卡 Day 56:I'm on a health kick.怎么健康怎么来! 打卡 Day 57:Nothing but the best for you 给你就只给最好的 打卡 Day 58:Shut up有点不文明,看这里换成了什么地道文明的表达! 打卡 Day 59: give the green light. 女王节,愿大家每天都可以受到开绿灯的待遇 打卡 Day 60: 我穷的吃土!英语里还真有这样的地道表达! 打卡 Day 61: Get your head out of the clouds别再做梦了 打卡 Day 62: 快让开,我快坚持不住了。Give me a wide berth 打卡 Day 63:考试作弊-打小抄-怎样用英语地道表达! 打卡 Day 64:无聊透顶-怎样用英语地道表达! 打卡 Day 65: 你有胆量跟你暗恋的人表白吗?Do you have the guts? 打卡 Day 66: 读女人就像读天书!It's all Greek to me. 打卡 Day 67: 像一棵海草海草,随波飘摇...Go with the flow 打卡 Day 68: 付钱到底应该如何地道表达?你还在用pay吗? 打卡 Day 69:I'm finna make some hammers?我准备做一些锤子?No, No, No. 打卡 Day 70:干净如洗!锃亮锃亮的!形容干净的地道表达! 打卡 Day 71:如何形容-我高攀不上? 打卡 Day 72:帮倒忙?你会经常帮倒忙吗? 打卡 Day 73:你平时的穿搭是easy on the eyes吗? 打卡 Day 74: 你曾经放弃过吗? 打卡 Day 75: 最近有点小坎坷,不顺!It's a rough patch 打卡 Day 76: 你最近忙什么呢?今天主要是地道变音 • end • edit | by celine picture | Internet letslearnenglishbar 欢迎扫码加群免费提供以下内容: 每天监督;每天打卡;免费纠错;