

2016-01-15    07'37''

主播: J+J

369 16

ancient Greece 古希腊 battle 战役 Athens 雅典 commemorate 纪念 Olympic games 奥林匹克运动会 full marathon 全马 half marathon 半马 quarter marathon 四分马 Boston 波士顿 Chicago 芝加哥 qualification 报名资格 trail racing 越野跑 night running 夜跑 take selfie 自拍 pounding the pavement 压马路 hitting the gym 去健身房健身 NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)不运动时的热量消耗 While your body is not moving, gunk builds up in your system. Your blood sugar levels elevate as well as your blood fats. 当你不动的时候,黏性物质聚集,血糖会升高,血脂也会随之升高。 activate 激活 muscle tissue 肌肉组织 firm up 结实 waist line 腰身 Olympic hopefuls 奥林匹克种子选手