

2016-01-22    08'34''

主播: J+J

624 46

skiing 滑雪 skating 滑冰 magical 迷人的、魔力的 frozen river 结冰的河 skating rink 溜冰场 Carnival 冰雪嘉年华 Quebec 魁北克 Millions of people swarm into the city at that time. 上百万人同时涌入这个城市。 impressive 给人印象深刻的、感人的 vapor 水蒸气 rime 雾凇 Antarctica 南极 Inuit 因纽特人 Eskimo 爱斯基摩人 These people migrated from Asia actually to the Arctic twice through Bering Strait. 他们通过白令海峡从亚洲到北极地区进行了两次迁徙。 They live in Greenland, Alaska and Northern Canada. 他们居住在格陵兰岛、阿拉斯加和加拿大北部。 igloo 冰屋 Many people take the edge off the cold by drinking some strong liquor to warm up their insides. 很多人为了驱赶寒冷,会喝高度酒让自己暖和起来。 whisky 威士忌 vodka 伏特加 In the past the Inuit used to live by fishing and hunting. 因纽特人过去以捕鱼打猎维生。 raw meat 生肉 Cold can be a weapon. 寒冷是一种武器。 Besides the polar region, the next coldest part in the world is Northern Europe. 除了极地地区,世界最寒冷的地方是北欧。 Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖