

2016-02-05    08'06''

主播: J+J

532 27

Chinese New Year 春节 blessing words 祝福语 Hope you have a wonderful time with your family! 阖家欢乐 Wishing you a peaceful life! 岁岁平安 Best wishes/ all the best 一切都好 calligraphy 书法 scrolls/ couplets 春联、对联 Qing Dynasty 清朝 eat the New Year’s Eve feast 吃年夜饭 big deal 大餐 watches CCTV New Year’s special 看春晚 Russell Peters 加拿大脱口秀演员 He has a way of making sensitive topics like race seem more lighthearted. 他说的都是些敏感话题,像很随意的讲种族问题。 talk show 脱口秀 Chinese monologue comic talk 单口相声 dumplings 饺子 play mahjong 打麻将 set off fireworks and firecrackers 放烟花爆竹 What is the new animal this year? 今年是什么年? The year of the monkey. 今年是猴年。 What’s your animal sign? 你属什么的? It’s not my animal year. 今年不是我的本命年。 red underwear 红内衣 lucky money/ red envelop 红包 stay up all night 熬夜 Son-in-Law Day 姑爷节 visiting relatives and friends 走亲探友 I’m so scared to hear 初一、初二. I’m always so confused. 我超怕听到初一、初二,我总是很困惑。 solar calendar阳历 lunar calendar 阴历