

2016-06-10    08'43''

主播: J+J

390 18

TV show 电视剧 Ode to Joy《欢乐颂》 originally 起初 fulfillment 实现 positive energy 正能量 high-powered businesswoman 女强人 She is competent in everything she does. 她在各方面能力都很强。 a spoiled rich kid/ the rich second generation 富二代 white collar 白领 the philosophy of life 人生哲理 People are not born with equal advantages. 人生来就是不平等的。 Success always belongs to the person who has done the hard work. 成功都是留给有准备的人。 She learns how to change her lazy habits into a more disciplined lifestyle. 他学习如何改掉懒惰的习惯,开始自律的生活。 gets a ride 搭车 good fortune 福气 IQ 智商 EQ 情商 self-control 自控 bad moods 坏心情 欲望都市 绝望主妇 绯闻女孩 破产女孩 "Sex and the city" is about how some successful women confront difficulties in their workplace. 欲望都市讲的是一些成功女性如何在工作岗位上面对困难的。 "Desperate Housewives" is about the life of a housewife who lives in a wealthy middle class neighborhood. 绝望主妇是讲中产阶级间的邻里关系。 "Gossip girl" is a story about a senior private school in New York. 绯闻女孩是关于纽约私立高中的故事。 "2 broke girls", is about two girls who work in a small fast-food restaurant. 破产女孩讲的是在快餐店里工作的两个女孩。 self-reliance 自强自立 breakthrough 突破 propaganda model 宣传模式 creative 有创意的 unique feature 独特的特征