

2016-10-07    11'04''

主播: J+J

157 9

Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Many festivals are related to religion, like Christmas Day. 很多节日跟宗教有关,像圣诞节。 religious 宗教的 It's about celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for all the things that nature gives us. 它跟庆丰收和感谢大自然有关。 So I have a very good impression of Canadians. 所以我对加拿大人印象很好。 A thankful heart is a happy heart! 懂的感恩的人很快乐! high latitude 纬度高 grand 隆重的 To the American people, Thanksgiving is almost equivalent to Christmas day or the Chinese New Year. 对于美国人来说,感恩节几乎等同于圣诞节或者中国的春节。 visit relatives 探亲 go hiking 徒步 long weekend 小长假 Black Friday 黑色星期五(类似于中国的双十一) Shopping Carnival 购物狂欢节 good sales 打折商品 The classic Thanksgiving picture would include a large family sitting around a table piled high with food with a big roast turkey in the middle and don't forget the pumpkin pie! 经典的感恩节画面是一大家人坐在桌子旁,桌子上堆着高高的食物,中间是一只大的烤火鸡,不要忘了还有南瓜派哦。 seasonal foods 时令佳肴 Well the story goes that when the British people first came to the new land of North America they saw a big chicken with blue head and red neck and thought it was some kind of chicken that came from Turkey. 这个故事源于英国人第一次来到北美洲的新大陆,他们看见一只大鸡,蓝色的头,红色的脖子,他们认为这是跟土耳其同一种类的鸡。 There are basically four parts to cooking a turkey: 1) Getting the turkey ready 2) Stuffing and Brining 3) Roasting and Basting 4) Resting and Carving. 做火鸡基本上分四部:1)准备一个火鸡 2)填料和用盐腌制 3)烘烤和涂油 4)休息和切开 recipes 菜谱 sausage 香肠 spices 香料 bread crumbs 面包屑 Wrap your turkey in aluminum foil. 用锡箔纸包裹火鸡。 Then you put it in a big pan in the oven at the appropriate temperature. 然后把它放在烤箱中的大锅里,温度调至适中。 Basting is spooning the turkey juices over the skin of the turkey. 涂油就是用勺子在火鸡皮上涂汁。 When it's finally time to carve the turkey it's often an honor given to the man of the house. 最后到了切火鸡的时间,通常把这个荣誉留给家里的男主人。 dessert 甜点 decoration 装饰 Some people like to hollow them out and fill it with nuts or candies. 有些人喜欢挖空它,并在里面放坚果和糖果。 pumpkin race 南瓜赛跑 The competitors use a small spoon to push a big pumpkin while they run. They can't touch the pumpkin with anything other than the spoon. Whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner. The smaller the spoon is, the more challenging the game. 参赛者用一个小勺边跑边推一个大的南瓜,除了勺子意外,不可以碰南瓜,谁最先到达终点就是获胜者。勺子越小,这个游戏的挑战性越大。 Before the dinner we go around the table and each person shares some thing that they are thankful for. 在吃晚餐之前,我们围坐在桌子旁边,每个人分享一些他们要感谢的事情。 It is a time to remember all the good things in life and not to take things like food, a warm house and loved ones for granted. 这个时候是要记住所有生命中好的东西,不要把食物、温暖的房屋和所爱的人看做理所应当的。 celebration 庆祝