

2016-10-21    12'06''

主播: J+J

137 8

cotton T-shirt 棉T恤 jeans 牛仔裤 casual 随便的、非正式的 bubble 泡沫 pajamas 睡衣 dress up 爱打扮 Apple products 苹果产品 play computer games 打游戏 addiction 上瘾 active 活跃的 If you go into a college, you might be more driven and you might be more energy. 如果你进入大学,你可能很有动力,也可能很有精力。 order take away food 叫外卖 order pizza over the phone 通过电话订披萨 special event 特殊事情 embarrassing 尴尬的 pathetic 可怜的、悲哀的 have a relationship with someone 谈恋爱 stereotypical hook-up scene 典型的撩妹 alcohol 酒 one night love 一夜情 sex object 泡友 respectful 尊敬的 tuition fee 学费 cafeteria(学校里的)自助餐厅或食堂 baby sitters 保姆 tutor 助教 help me out 帮助 They aren't close to their family. 跟家人关系不好。 apply for student loans 申请学生贷款 scholarship 奖学金 pay off 还清 a lot of pressure 压力很大 community colleges 社区大学 force to marry 逼婚 blind date 相亲 white culture 白人文化 diverse 多样化 online dating 网恋 take seriously 认真对待 metropolis 大都市 go abroad 出国 hike 徒步