

2017-08-11    09'10''

主播: J+J

103 4

一、hot的常用表达 1. It's really/ awfully/ ridiculously/ crazy hot. It's crazy hot. 太热了。 2. hot as hell Bible 圣经 It's hot as hell. 二、不用hot也可以形容热 1. I'm sweating like a pig. I need to find a place to cool off. 我都湿透了,我需要找个地方凉快凉快。 2. I can't bear the heat. I'm soaking. 我热得受不了,浑身都在滴水! 3. The blacktop is bubbling. 柏油路面简直都要冒泡了。 4. You could fry eggs on the sidewalk. 人行道上都可以煎蛋了。 5. The grass is parched. 草都被烤干了。 6. Even the breeze is hot. 就连吹来的风都是热的。 7. It is like being baked in an oven. 热得就像是被扔进了烤箱。 stove 炉子 8. I don't want to go out. It's raining fire! 我不想出门,感觉天在下火。 9. These are dog days. 这是三伏天。 Ancient Greece 古希腊 三、hot的同义替换词 1. boiling 滚热的 I'm boiling, let's go to the mall where they have air conditioning. 太热了,我们去购物中心吧,那儿有空调。 2. burning/ blazing/ scorching 炙热的 I can't believe people are walking in the blazing sun. 我不敢相信人们在烈日下行走。 3. blistering 炎热的 Yesterday was blistering hot. I got a sunburn so bad it blistered. 昨天热极了,我都被晒起泡了。 4. sweltering 闷热的 He must be sweltering, wearing a uniform in this heat. 穿着这么热的制服,他一定是中暑了。