

2018-02-15    11'40''

主播: J+J

91 5

拜年 Chinese New Year greetings/ wishes/ blessings 所有人:(for all people) 狗年大吉 Wishing you good luck for the Year of the Dog. 大吉大利 May you find wealth and treasure. 心想事成 May all your hopes, dreams, and wishes come true. 万事如意 Hope everything goes smoothly. 岁岁平安 May you have peace at every age. 阖家欢乐 Wishing you happiness for your whole family. 小孩儿:(for children) 健康成长 Hope you grow up to be healthy. 学习进步 Wishing you make good progress on your studies. 前程似锦 Hope you have a good future. 年轻人:(for young people) 工作顺利 Hope everything goes well with your work. 步步高升 Wishing you get a promotion. 事业有成 May your career have even greater success. 恭喜发财 Wishing you wealth and prosperity. 老人:(for old people) 身体健康 Wishing you good health. 健康长寿 Wishing you longevity and health. 福如东海,寿比南山 Wishing you happiness and longevity. 主播JiaJia的新年祝福 祝你新的一年健康快乐。 Wishing you health and happiness in the coming year. 主播Charity-lee的新年祝福 Happy New Year. 值此新春佳节来临之际,我向你及你的家人致以节日的问候,并祝你们新年快乐、阖家欢乐。 On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, may I extend to you and your family our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year and happiness to your family.