Face transplant recipient overwhelmed by result

Face transplant recipient overwhelmed by result

2017-03-08    05'11''

主播: 瑞普思英语

24 0

On 16 June last year, Andy Sandness was wheeled into an operating theatre at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to undergo one of the rarest surgeries in the world. Three weeks later, he would gaze in a mirror, unsure what he would see. Reflected back at him was the face of another man: the nose, cheeks, mouth, lips, jaw, chin and even the teeth of his donor, Calen Ross. Unable to speak clearly after seeing his new face, Mr Sandness wrote a note for his doctors and family to read: "Far exceeded my expectations." Face transplant 换脸,面部移植 Organ transplant 器官移植 Recipient 接受者 Overwhelm 震惊 Wheel 推轮椅 Operating center 手术中心 Mayo Clinic 梅奥诊所,美国最有名的私立诊所 Undergo 进行 Rare 少有的 Surgery 手术 Gaze 注视,凝视 Unsure 不确定的 Refelct back Cheek 脸颊 Lip 嘴唇 Jaw 下颚 Chin 下巴 Donor 捐赠者 Far exceed 大大超过 Expectation 期望