I just need you to stay 我只是需要你留下来 Here with me in the cold night 陪我度过这寒风刺骨的夜晚 To heal me in a time when I down 在我一蹶不振时拉我一把 Even just your voice 哪怕只是你的一声问候 If it’s you,then all okay 只要有你,那么一切都不会坏到哪去 I just need your presence 我只是要你待在我身旁 I just need you to hug me 只是需要你抱抱我 With your deep voice around my ears 用你深沉的声音萦绕着我的双耳 To hold my hands with a sound of your words 紧紧的握着我的手告诉我坚持住 To calm me down when an anger starts to built 当我胸有怒火时让我冷静下来 I need your presence 我需要你在我身旁 A smile of you appears in my head 每当夜晚降临 When the evening comes 你的微笑就会浮现在我脑海 A melody of sad and flowers join them to tied 悲伤和快乐紧紧缠绕 汇成一段旋律 I need you,like I need my blue 我需要你,就像我会无法抛弃沮丧一般 And when it strikes at 12,I cry to you 当午夜钟声响起,我会因你哭泣 I just need you to hum 我只是需要你 For me while I’m asleep 在我睡着时为我哼唱 To say some things I had feel 唱些能感触我的歌 Then all your voice be a medicine to me 那么你的声音就是我的解药 I won’t feel dizzy,if you’re here with me 如果你在这的话我就不会感到昏天暗地
上一期: 你把我落下了
下一期: I'll never love again